Portrait at 34

Since the passing of my cousin, Kamilah Aisha Moon, one poem in particular has been a special source of comfort and connection, Portrait at 34. To rediscover this poem at the age of 34 in the midst of mourning her loss has encouraged me to do what I always assumed we would do while she was on this earth, Collaborate. For this project, a custom designed Photobooth will travel throughout the month of april producing portraits paired with age specific poems for each participant. Poems were sourced from other poets who knew my cousin looking to pay homage to Aisha, lesson plans were crafted and distributed to schools through out Date County buy Doxycycline without prescription to encourage youth submissions and a general open call was also issued. Over 300 submissions were received for this project.


I am incredibly grateful to be makeing something that delivers a personal poetic experience to countless individuals and also honors the legacy of Kamilah Aisha Moon.

Commissioned by:

O, Miami

Media Partner

Cultured Magazine
