Obscured Publications

Obscured Publications involves a series of wall-mounted, chevron arrow-shaped book stations that will “point” visitors in the right direction of a one-way indoor circulation path, passing by artists’ studios and leading to special installations at the Bakehouse Art Complex. The stations will house thousands of recently gifted books from the Boca Raton Museum of Art that now comprise a new, permanent art library at our campus, which will be wrapped in broadsheet artist prints. 

Lique’s geometric bookjacket design emerges from the artist’s interest in mazes and grids while Moon’s abstracted linear cover is an improvisational notation for language, movement, and sound.  By obscuring the titles, visitors will be unable to judge the books by their covers and will be confronted with subjects, ideas, and histories that might be unfamiliar to the reader.

Inspired by the Fluxus Art Movement, the artists have included notepads at each book station with poetic prompts calling on visitors to interact with the library; they will be encouraged to leave their “mark” on a note or flag a page in a book that contains something they find to be special. Golf pencils with the phrase “Use this pencil until you run out of ideas” will available at these stations as take-away souvenirs. 



Najja Moon and Philip Lique

